Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chapter 2, Advertising

My sister recently came back from New York and wouldn't stop talking about how 'wonderful' time square was with all its ads and liveliness and now wants to move there after she graduates to look for jobs. I've never been there but don't think I'll really like seeing bright screens flashing in my face talking about products I'm not even interested in every corner I turn. As if tv commercial messages isn't annoying enough, but it seems like that's just how desperate they are with all this cluttering.

Still, I don't think that's really going to get people to start wanting to buy their products, it just makes it a nice place for people to hang out in. I'm sure after walking around there will make me go "Oh my, I have a big wish list to make!" by the end of the day. I'll probably just want a couple of advils to fix my headaches. The article I read about has the page filled with pictures of all the ads (or most of them) found while walking around in half an hour in Time Square.
and that was a LOT of scrolling just to get to the final column of pictures. And, just like the author of the article suggested the reader would be thinking, I thought that man they sure have a lotta time on their hands instead of being sucked into their world and just start wanting to save and spend like crazy.

At least this way though, advertisers won't have to worry about zappers since the people don't really have a choice unless they wanna walk around with their eyes closed. I for one am a zapper(though I don't watch tv that often) and would mute the tv and go check my mail or even do hw while I wait for the commercials to end. Veoh actually has little dots at the bottom of the video that indicate when there's going to be a commercial break, I always keep an eye to see if it was getting close the dot and when it does I click right passed it, managing to skip right through it. Some commercials are pretty amusing though, with their creativity which sometimes have NOTHING to do with the actual product they're trying to advertise. But then again, it's only fun to watch the first time, then you'll start zapping again.


  1. Yes, advertising is just annoying! I hate it and I hate to look at it. I'm kind of wanting the companies to just stop advertising. To be honest I don't think anyone notices them any more.

  2. Comedy may give me the incentive to watch an ad, but after seeing it the first time I'm done with it. Any ad outside that realm I try to ingore if possible. Advertisers you have my sympathy for your dilemma, but good luck getting any help.

  3. I seriously don't notice ads anymore. There are billboards on the roads and the only time I really look at them is when I'm looking for a rest stop or a gas station or a food place. And there are some interesting ads on TV (I liked the Geico cavemen ads), but for the most part, I ignore them. Tune them out. Etc. And as for the internet, there's a program for that. It;s called Adblock Plus.

  4. See I think advertising is all about the advertisers wanting to leave an impression in your mind over the long time, not for us to go out and get that product right then. Think about it how many times have you seen a TV ad and gone out that day and got the product. What happens is some random day you will need something then you will think about the product you need and that commercial will come to mind and then your more likly to buy the product that leave an impression from the ad. Other than that ads are simply annoying.
