Friday, April 16, 2010

Chapter 4: Instant Messaging

I had no idea, until I read this chapter, that "pos" stood for "parent over shoulder". Man that could have saved me a lot of trouble if I was aware of this useful acronym.
Not that I was always talking about non-parent-approved topics, but having the need to minimize each chat window whenever I felt a presence or heard footsteps was always such a pain! A lot of time can be saved using these acronyms and I used a lot as a grew up with the internet (except for "lol", oh, I NEVER used that term..I despise this one..for some reason)
In highschool, I misspelled/combined so many words we use commonly, just to fit the pronunciations they would have when we say them in a speedy manner. Like "Would you" or "did you" to "wuja" and "dija" or just "ja". I thought I was so cool because no one else got to this point, making me feel kind of special (now I just feel as dumb as ever). One person complained on how I typed, saying it was immature and not readable. This was on a fan art website so I thought it wasn't a big deal and continued on (maybe he was jealous that I was able to come up with such words?) until I grew out of it. Seeing more and more younger kids use them made me not want to use them anymore or else I'll feel like I'm at there level, when in real, I'm actually a lot older, mature, and knowledgeable than they are, therefore I must not talk like them. I still use acronyms every now and then, but only when im typing with one hand (usually eating with the other), or am in a hurry. And I limit to using them for when I text, and occasionally IM-ing.

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