Friday, April 16, 2010

Inbox and Spam

For every email site, there's an option to send messages in your inbox to the spam folder. Does that really work? Well, despite the fact that I still get junk mail in my inbox every now and then, I'd say yes. Because before, when this option first became available, I paid no attention to it. I kept deleting all ad messages day after day, and I keep getting similar messages so there was no end to this. Of course, my spam folder remained empty and that got me thinking, if I get rid of say this nursing ad message I keep receiving every week, will it really keep it in the spam folder? And send all it's followers down in there too?
After some weeks of trying..BOOM! No more nursing messages! I open up my spam folder, and there they are sitting in a row like a good little pack of puppies.
And now I think: Thank god for the spam folder!

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