Friday, April 9, 2010

Chapters 8 and 9, Communication and Technology

First let me mention how glad I am that Dr. J assigned us these two chapters before assigning the research paper, for it was after reading them did I decide to choose their subject as my topic! Thank you professor!

This might sound pretty similar to what's written in my research topic blog but it's about the impact the media has made on language. As technology evolved, life has is now so much easier and convenient for us that it has become a huge part of our life. We have grown accustomed to it that we (at least the majority of the youngsters) can't imagine life without it. Our social lives have changed greatly as well! Internet users have so much friends (online) and can interact with them anytime through instant messaging either online or by phone, all while staying indoors all day. But that's not all you can do while sitting on your but 24/7, you can shop and even order lunch/dinner and have it delivered straight to your door with just a few clicks. What does all this have to do with our language? Well, too much convenience can be a bad thing, it can lead to laziness (which is a sin in Christian beliefs, as I hear); specifically when sending messages. Why do you think so many acronyms, net lingos, and so many alternative abbreviations exit now-a-days? We've gotten so lazy in even our writings. The real con is the habit that is born from this laziness. Before we know it, we're using all those "short-cuts" in our formal writings for school or job letters. I have personal experience, and it was quite the embarrassment on my case. It started out with just a "Hey" as a replacement of "Hello", and now things may be getting out of hand. Let's hope more and more people start to realize this and be more careful when they write.

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